Recovering from selection bias with IPW methods

selection bias
On the consistency of IPW methods to recover causal effects from selection bias

March 1, 2023

Confounding bias and selection bias are together the most prevalent hurdles to the validity and generalizability of causal inference results. In general, both arise from uncontrolled extraneous flows of statistical information between treatment and outcome in the analysis. Their precise characterization in the Structural Causal Models framework (SCM), and potential corrections, differ in nature:

Corrections for selection bias

Inverse probability weighting (IPW) methods provide nonparametric statistical techniques to perform inference with biased data. In their basic presentation, they approximate the interventional mean of the outcome using a weighted average over the selected sample. Let:

  • \((y_i)_{i=1}^N\) be a sample of outcomes for the selected (non-excluded) units

  • \(w_i\) be the relative inverse probability of selection, \(w_i=p/p_i\), where \(p\) is the population-level probability of selection, and \(p_i\) is the probability of selection for unit \(i\)

  • \(v_i(a)\) be the inverse probability of assignment of treatment \(a\) for unit \(i\)

The idea of IPW methods is motivated by the desired asymptotic result:

\[ \lim_{N\rightarrow\infty} N^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^N \mathbb{I}[A_i=a] v_i(a)\cdot w_i\cdot y_i\longrightarrow \mathbb{E}[Y\mid do(A=a)] \]

The derived finite-sample estimator is consistent if \(v_i(a)\cdot w_i\) is; this is, if the probability of selection and the probability of treatment assignment are jointly correctly specified.

Let us analyse the results of an IPW-based approach on a simple simulation with a randomized treatment assignment and when:

  1. the selection mechanism only hides the outcome. This is, only \(Y\) is missing when \(S=0\)

  2. the selection mechanism does not depend on a mediator

Simple simulation setting

Let us consider the SCM given by the following DAG and set of structural equations:

The DAG:

# DAG visualization

  M ~ A,
  S ~ A + L,
  Y ~ A + M + L
) %>% tidy_dagitty(layout = "nicely") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_dag_point(color='white',size=0.5) +
  geom_dag_edges() +
  geom_dag_text(color='black') +

Structural equations:

\[ \begin{aligned}[c] L &\sim\text{Nor}(0,\sigma^2_L) & &\\ A &\sim\text{Ber}(q) & &\\ M &= \alpha_0 + \alpha_1A + u_M & u_M &\sim\text{Nor}(0,\sigma^2_M) \\ S &= \mathbb{I}[\gamma_0 + \gamma_1A + \gamma_2M + \gamma_3L + u_S > 0] & u_S &\sim\text{Nor}(0,\sigma^2_S) \\ Y &= \beta_0 + \beta_1A + \beta_2M + \beta_3L + u_Y & u_Y &\sim\text{Nor}(0,\sigma^2_Y) \end{aligned} \]

Selection mechanism:

When \(S=1\) for a particular unit, we get to observe their whole data \((L,A,M,Y)\). When \(S=1\), only the final outcome \(Y\) is missing, so we get to observe \((L,A,M)\).

Let us put this SCM as a data-generating process (DGP) in R code:

# Libraries needed

# Data generating process
dgp = function(param){
  #### Parameters
  c(n,      # Number of samples
    sdl,    # Stdr. dev. of selection predictor
    p,      # Treatment assigment probability
    a0, a1, # Parameters of A->M relation
    sdm,    # Stdr. dev. of mediator noise
    g0, g1, # Parameters of A->S relation
    g2,     # Parameter of M->S relation
    g3,     # Parameter of L->S relation
    sds,    # Stdr. dev. of selection noise
    b0, b1, # Parameters of A->Y relation
    b2,     # Parameter of M->Y relation
    b3,     # Parameter of L->Y relation
    sdy # Stdr. dev. of selection noise
    ) %<-% param     
  # Exogenous selection predictor
  L = rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=sdl)
  # Treatment assigment
  A = rbinom(n=n, size=1, prob=p)
  # Mediator
  noise.M = rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=sdm)
  M = a0 + a1*A + noise.M
  # Selection mechanism
  noise.S = rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=sds)
  S = ifelse(g0 + g1*A + g2*M + g3*L + noise.S > 0, 1, 0)
  # Outcome
  noise.Y = rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=sdy)
  Y = b0 + b1*A + b2*M + b3*L + noise.Y
  # true ATE
  true.ATE = b1 + b2*a1
  # Data
  dat = data.frame(L,A,M,S,Y)
  # Return

Simulation excercise

This case of \(M\) not being a direct cause of \(S\) is equivalent to setting \(\gamma_2=0\) in the structural equation of the selection mechanism \(S\). Let us simulate some noisy data:

# Set random seed

# Parameters values
param.1 = c(
  n=1e3,             # Number of samples
  sdl=1,             # Stdr. dev. of selection predictor
  p=0.5,             # Treatment assigment probability
  a0=0.1, a1=0.5,    # Parameters of A->M relation
  sdm=0.4,           # Stdr. dev. of mediator noise
  g0=-0.1, g1=0.2,   # Parameters of A->S relation
  g2=0,              # Parameter of M->S relation ### M DOES NOT CAUSE S
  g3=0.2,            # Parameter of L->S relation
  sds=0.5,           # Stdr. dev. of selection noise
  b0=-1.5, b1=0.5,   # Parameters of A->Y relation
  b2=0.5,            # Parameter of M->Y relation
  b3=1.8,            # Parameter of L->Y relation
  sdy=2.7)           # Stdr. dev. of selection noise

# Generate data
dgp.1 = dgp(param.1)

# Save the full data
dat.1 = dgp.1[[1]]

# Save the true ATE
T.ATE = dgp.1[[2]]

# Glimpse of the data
head(dat.1) %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)
2.2872472 1 0.2988695 1 -0.0302749
-1.1967717 1 0.5175524 0 3.7544911
-0.6942925 0 0.0183553 0 -3.2428682
-0.4122930 1 0.3229087 1 2.8405141
-0.9706733 1 0.7833466 0 -4.9430929
-0.9472799 1 -0.6778373 0 -5.7906748

We can compute the true ATE underlying this SCM:

# True ATE
data.frame('True ATE'=T.ATE) %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)

Results under no exclusion (complete data)

For a moment let us pretend we observe all variables for everyone. Let us examine the most interesting models that we can fit with the simulated data, to check their ability to recover population-level parameters under noisy samples.

# Model for M, with complete data
mod.M = lm(M ~ A, data=dat.1)

# Model for S, with complete data
mod.S = glm(S ~ A + L, family=binomial('probit'), data=dat.1)

# Model for Y, with complete data
mod.Y = lm(Y ~ A + M + L, data=dat.1)

# Model for causal effect, with complete data
# Version 1: Controlling for predictor of Y
mod.ate.1 = lm(Y ~ A + L, data=dat.1)

# Model for causal effect, with complete data
# Version 2: Treatment is randomized, no controls needed
mod.ate.2 = lm(Y ~ A, data=dat.1)

# All models put together
models.full = list("M" = mod.M, "S" = mod.S, "Y" = mod.Y, "ATE (O-set)" = mod.ate.1, "ATE (no adj)" = mod.ate.2)

# Summary of models
modelsummary(models.full, statistic = "[{conf.low}, {conf.high}]",
             estimate  = "{estimate}{stars}") 
M S Y ATE (O-set) ATE (no adj)
(Intercept) 0.104*** −0.107+ −1.579*** −1.498*** −1.524***
[0.069, 0.139] [−0.219, 0.005] [−1.816, −1.342] [−1.732, −1.263] [−1.803, −1.245]
A 0.506*** 0.296*** 0.281 0.677*** 0.742***
[0.456, 0.556] [0.135, 0.457] [−0.114, 0.675] [0.340, 1.013] [0.342, 1.141]
L 0.427*** 1.755*** 1.768***
[0.341, 0.514] [1.584, 1.925] [1.597, 1.940]
M 0.784***
[0.369, 1.200]
Num.Obs. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
R2 0.283 0.311 0.301 0.013
R2 Adj. 0.282 0.308 0.300 0.012
AIC 1022.7 1278.2 4824.1 4835.8 5178.8
BIC 1037.5 1292.9 4848.7 4855.5 5193.5
Log.Lik. −508.364 −636.108 −2407.072 −2413.913 −2586.403
RMSE 0.40 0.47 2.69 2.70 3.21

Since the treatment is randomized, no control variables are required in the regression of \(Y\) against \(A\) to remove confounding bias. However, \(L\) is in the \(O\)-set of the effect; this is, controlling for \(L\) produces an asymptotically more efficient estimator. Such property is not seen in finite samples [see last two models].

It is no surprise that, with complete data, the point-estimate for the coefficient of \(A\) in the last two models lie close to the true ATE (0.75), even under a moderately noisy DGP (\(R^2\approx 0.3\)).

Results under exclusion

Ignoring samples for which \(S=0\) reduces sample size from 1000 to 514. This is, the probability of exclusion is about 0.486.

# Number of observation per selection
# 1 = selected / observed
# 0 = excluded
table(dat.1$S) %>% kbl(col.names = c('S','N')) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)
0 486
1 514

In contrast with the complete data case, a regression-based approach for estimating the ATE with only the selected samples does require controlling for \(L\), since conditioning on \(S\) opens the non-causal path:

  • \(A\longrightarrow S\longleftarrow L\longrightarrow Y\)

Unfortunately, controlling for \(L\) alone does not remove selection bias, despite blocking such path. This is because the distribution of \(L\) in the sample does not necessarily match the distribution in the population.

Let us inspect it.

Regression-based approach:

We fit a model for the outcome \(Y\) against \(A\), controlling for \(L\), using only the selected samples:

# Data for the selected sample
dat.s = dat.1 %>% filter(S==1)
N.s = nrow(dat.s)

# Model for causal effect, with selected
mod.ate.s = lm(Y ~ A + L, data=dat.s)
modelsummary(list("ATE(S=1)" = mod.ate.s), 
             statistic = NULL,
             estimate  = "{estimate}{stars} [{conf.low}, {conf.high}]") 
(Intercept) −1.341*** [−1.688, −0.995]
A 0.516* [0.058, 0.974]
L 1.843*** [1.601, 2.085]
Num.Obs. 514
R2 0.307
R2 Adj. 0.304
AIC 2458.1
BIC 2475.0
Log.Lik. −1225.026
RMSE 2.62

The resulted 95% confidence interval for the coefficient of \(A\), using only samples for which \(S=1\), still covers the true ATE (0.75). Yet, a downwards bias shrinks the point-estimate and its lower bound noticeably. Using this, we would conclude the ATE is smaller than what truly is.

Let us implement an IPW-based approach to compare against:

IPW-based approach:

Given the SCM, and the assumption of \(\gamma_2=0\), we can express:

  • \(w_i=\mathbb{P}(S=1)/\mathbb{P}(S=1\mid A=a_i,L=l_i)\)

  • \(v_i(a)=1/\mathbb{P}(A=a) = 1/q\) because treatment is randomized

The derived finite-sample estimator of the mean counterfactuals / potential outcomes is: \[ \hat{Y}^a = N^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^N\frac{\mathbb{I}(A_i=a)\cdot\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(A=a)\cdot\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid A=a_i,L=l_i)}\cdot y_i \]

Putting all ingredients together we get point-estimates \(\hat{Y}^1=\hat{\mathbb{E}}[Y\mid do(A=1)]\) and \(\hat{Y}^0=\hat{\mathbb{E}}[Y\mid do(A=0)]\):

# Compute the probability of selecton for all the units selected
# We leverage the model mod.S, trained on complete data since S, A and L are
# always observed (Y is the only one missing) and predict only on the selected units
prob.s.unit = predict(mod.S, newdata=dat.s, type='response')

# The unconditional probability of selection can be consistently estimated 
#... with counts from the total sample size and selected sample size
prob.s = nrow(dat.s) / nrow(dat.1)

# Since the treatment is randomized, the propensity score in the population is known at 0.5. 
# It can also be estimated from counts in the complete dataset
# prop.score = sum(dat.1$A==1)/nrow(dat.1)
prop.score = 0.5

# Estimated counterfactuals/potential outcomes via IPPW
est.PO = dat.s %>% mutate(
  prob.s.unit = as.numeric(prob.s.unit),
  prob.s = as.numeric(prob.s),
  prop.score = as.numeric(prop.score),
  pro.weight = (A/prop.score) + (1-A)/(1-prop.score),
  weights = pro.weight * prob.s * (1/prob.s.unit),
  weighted.Y = weights * Y) %>% group_by(A) %>% 

# Print resulted estimates
head(est.PO) %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)
0 -1.4318076
1 -0.7537995

Which, can be used to compute a point-estimate of the ATE: \(\hat{ATE}=\hat{Y}^1-\hat{Y}^0\):

# Print estimated ATE
est.ATE = as.numeric(est.PO[2,2]-est.PO[1,2])
data.frame('IPW ATE'=est.ATE) %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)

We can see that the IPW-based approach produces a point-estimate closer to the true ATE. To get valid confidence intervals, however, a bootstrapping or asymptotic analysis need to be invoked. We can compute naïve confidence interval without resampling, using the fact:

\[ \hat{\text{var}}(\hat{\text{ATE}}) \geq \hat{\text{var}}(\hat{Y}^1)+\hat{\text{var}}(\hat{Y}^0)=(N-2)^{-2}\sum_{a\in\{0,1\}}\sum_{i=1}^N \mathbb{I}(A_i=a)\cdot \hat{v}_i(a)^2\hat{w}_i^2(y_i-\hat{Y}^a)^2 \]Such variance is naïve in the sense that it is overconfident due to ignoring the covariance between the potential outcomes, and the higher-order contributions of the weighting factors in the total variance. Anyway, using it will get us:

# Estimated counterfactuals/potential outcomes via IPPW
sd.PO = dat.s %>% mutate(
  prob.s.unit = as.numeric(prob.s.unit),
  prob.s = as.numeric(prob.s),
  prop.score = as.numeric(prop.score),
  pro.weight = (A/prop.score) + (1-A)/(1-prop.score),
  weights = pro.weight * prob.s * (1/prob.s.unit),
  weighted.var = weights^2 * ( A* (Y-est.PO[2,2])^2 + (1-A)* (Y-est.PO[1,2])^2)) %>% 
  group_by(A) %>% 

# Naïve confidence interval
naivebounds = qnorm(0.975)*sum(sd.PO[,2])
data.frame('IPW ATE'=as.numeric(est.ATE),
           'naïve LB'=as.numeric(est.ATE)-naivebounds,
           'naïve UB'=as.numeric(est.ATE)+naivebounds) %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)
IPW.ATE naïve.LB naïve.UB
0.678008 0.5741569 0.7818592

As noted, the naïve confidence interval is tighter than those produced by inference on the complete data. This means such confidence interval is not statistically valid, but it can still help us visualize the convergence of IPW estimator.

Now, if we simulate and repeat the DGP and same analysis for different sample sizes, consistency would be visually perceived if we see:

  • Point-estimate converging to the true ATE

  • Confidence intervals shrinking at a fast (**) rate

Let us test it. We run 20 simulations with different complete sample sizes, from \(N=500\) to \(N=23\,000\) [number of complete samples from \(N_s=250\) to \(N_s=12\,000\)]. We repeat the procedure three times and average the results on those three repetitions. Such averages are presented in the following table:

# Data frame to save results from iterations
rounds.IPPW = data.frame(N=NA, Ns=NA, EST=NA, LB=NA, UB=NA)

# All sample sizes to consider
samplesizes = round(500*exp(0.2*(0:19)))

# Number of repetitions
M = 3

# Paramaters are the same as before
param.iter = param.1

# Seed

# Loop
for(m in 1:M){
  for(n in samplesizes){
    # Change sample size
    param.iter[1] = n
    # Generate the data (complete and selected)
    dat.iter = dgp(param.iter)[[1]]
    dat.s.iter = dat.iter %>% filter(S==1)
    # Estimated probability of selection
    N.s.iter = nrow(dat.s.iter)
    prob.s.iter = N.s.iter / n
    # Model for S, with complete data
    mod.S.iter = glm(S ~ A + L, family=binomial('probit'), data=dat.iter)
    prob.s.unit.iter = predict(mod.S.iter, newdata=dat.s.iter, type='response')
    # Propensity score model
    prop.score.iter = sum(dat.iter$A==1)/nrow(dat.iter)
    # Put everything together
    row.iter = dat.s.iter %>% mutate(
      prob.s.unit = as.numeric(prob.s.unit.iter),
      prob.s = as.numeric(prob.s.iter),
      prop.score = as.numeric(prop.score.iter),
      pro.weight = (A/prop.score) + (1-A)/(1-prop.score),
      weights = pro.weight * prob.s * (1/prob.s.unit),
      weighted.Y = weights * Y) 
    # Estimated counterfactuals/potential outcomes via IPPW
    po.iter = row.iter %>% group_by(A) %>% 
    # Estimated ATE
    ATE.iter = as.numeric(po.iter[2,2]-po.iter[1,2])
    # Naïve variances
    sd.PO.iter = row.iter %>% mutate(
      weighted.var = weights^2 * ( A* (Y-po.iter[2,2])^2 + (1-A)* (Y-po.iter[1,2])^2)) %>% 
    group_by(A) %>% 
    # Naïve confidence interval
    naivebounds = qnorm(0.975)*sum(sd.PO.iter[,2])
    rounds.IPPW =,
# Print resulted estimates
rounds.IPPW = rounds.IPPW[-1,] %>%
  group_by(N) %>%

head(rounds.IPPW) %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)
500 249.6667 0.5919352 -0.1461034 1.3299737
611 309.0000 0.7701710 0.1782066 1.3621354
746 379.6667 0.8962619 0.2991885 1.4933353
911 453.6667 0.7438565 0.5811669 0.9065460
1113 556.0000 0.7817429 0.3579693 1.2055165
1359 679.0000 0.6411555 0.3223225 0.9599884

An the following plot:

### Plot results from rounds
rounds.IPPW[,-1] %>% melt(id.vars = 'Ns') %>% 
  mutate(type = ifelse(variable=='EST','EST','N. C.I.') ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Ns,y=value,group=variable)) + 
  geom_point(aes(shape=type,color=type)) + 
  geom_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ x + I(sqrt(x)), se = FALSE) + ## O(N^0.5) convergence
  labs(y='Value of estimate / bound', x='number of complete samples') +
  geom_hline(yintercept=T.ATE, col = 'red') +

We can appreciate that the estimator converges to the true ATE [in red], and its uncertainty reduce at a sustained rate; there is convergence in probability. In other words, the IPW-based estimator is consistent.

Mathematical justification of consistency

We can prove consistency mathematically for this SCM. However, to avoid measure-theoretic conundrums, let us consider the case for which all variables are discrete. Results are generalizable for mixed discrete-continuous cases with positive distributions (no zero-measure events).

Let us assume \(Y\) has support on \(\{y_{(c)}\}_{c=1}^C\), and \(L\) has support on \(\{l_{(k)}\}_{k=1}^K\), then:

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat{Y}^a &= N^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^N\frac{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(A=a)\cdot\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid A=a_i,L=l_i)}\cdot y_i\cdot \mathbb{I}(A_i=a) \\ &= N^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^N\frac{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(A=a\mid L=l_i)\cdot\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid A=a,L=l_i)}\cdot y_i\cdot\mathbb{I}(A_i=a,S_i=1)\\ &= \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid L=l_i) }\cdot \frac{ y_i\cdot\mathbb{I}(A_i=a,S_i=1)/N}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(A=a\mid L=l_i,S=1) }\\ &= \sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{k}\sum_{c} \frac{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid L=l_{(k)}) }\cdot \frac{ y_{i}\cdot\mathbb{I}(A_i=a,L_i=l_{(k)},S_i=1)/N}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(A=a\mid L=l_{(k)},S=1) }\\ &= \sum_{k}\sum_{c} \frac{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid L=l_{(k)}) }\cdot \frac{ y_{(c)}\cdot\sum_{i=1}^N\mathbb{I}(Y_i=y_{(c)},A_i=a,L_i=l_{(k)},S_i=1)/N}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(A=a\mid L=l_{(k)},S=1) }\\ &= \sum_{k}\sum_{c} \frac{\hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid L=l_{(k)}) }\cdot \frac{ y_{(c)}\cdot\hat{\mathbb{P}}(Y=y_{(c)},A=a,L=l_{(k)}\mid S=1)}{ \hat{\mathbb{P}}(A=a\mid L=l_{(k)},S=1) } \end{aligned} \]

Assuming the propensity scores and the probability of selection are both correctly specified, all finite-sample approximations \(\hat{\mathbb{P}}\) converge in the limit to the true distributions \(\mathbb{P}\). Then:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{plim}_{N\rightarrow\infty} \hat{Y}^a &= \sum_{k}\sum_{c} \frac{{\mathbb{P}}(S=1)}{ {\mathbb{P}}(S=1\mid L=l_{(k)}) }\cdot \frac{ y_{(c)}\cdot{\mathbb{P}}(Y=y_{(c)},A=a,L=l_{(k)}\mid S=1)}{ {\mathbb{P}}(A=a\mid L=l_{(k)},S=1) }\\ &= \sum_{k}\sum_{c} \frac{{\mathbb{P}}(L=l_{(k)})}{ {\mathbb{P}}(L=l_{(k)}\mid S=1) }\cdot \frac{ y_{(c)}\cdot{\mathbb{P}}(Y=y_{(c)},A=a,L=l_{(k)}\mid S=1)}{ {\mathbb{P}}(A=a\mid L=l_{(k)},S=1) }\\ &= \sum_{k}\sum_{c} {\mathbb{P}}(L=l_{(k)}) \cdot y_{(c)}\cdot{\mathbb{P}}(Y=y_{(c)}\mid A=a,L=l_{(k)} S=1)\\ &= \sum_{k} {\mathbb{P}}(L=l_{(k)}) \sum_{c} y_{(c)}\cdot{\mathbb{P}}(Y=y_{(c)}\mid A=a,L=l_{(k)}, S=1)\\ &= \sum_{k} {\mathbb{P}}(L=l_{(k)}) \mathbb{E}(Y\mid A=a,L, S=1)\\ &= \mathbb{E}_L \mathbb{E}(Y\mid A=a,L, S=1) =\mathbb{E}_L\mathbb{E}[Y\mid do(A=a),L,S=1]\\ &= \mathbb{E}_L\mathbb{E}[Y\mid do(A=a),L] = \mathbb{E}[Y\mid do(A=a)] \end{aligned} \]

This is, the IPW estimator converges to the true counterfactual mean given by intervention \(do(A=a)\). The last two equalities come from these facts:

  • \(L\) blocks all non-causal paths from \(A\) to \(Y\) when conditioning on \(S=1\)

  • \(Y\perp S\,\mid L\) in the back-door graph: the resulting DAG after removing all arrows coming out of \(A\)

  • \(\mathbb{P}(L=l_{(k)})\) is the population-distribution of \(L\)

Revisiting the regression approach: generalized adjustment criteria

Notice that, in the convergence proof for the IPW estimator, it was shown that the underlying estimand is algebraically equivalent to a regression-adjusted mean of \(Y\), averaged over the population distribution of \(L\).

\[ \mathbb{E}[Y\mid do(A=a)] = \mathbb{E}_L\mathbb{E}(Y\mid A=a,L,S=1) \]

Extensions of this results are covered by three generalized adjustment criteria (Correa, Tian, and Bareinboim 2018). This is, for this case, a mathematically equivalent result in term of consistency can be achieved via regression adjustment.


Correa, Juan, Jin Tian, and Elias Bareinboim. 2018. “Generalized Adjustment Under Confounding and Selection Biases.” Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1).
Pearl, Judea. 2009. “Causality,” September.